SOOOOOOOOOO cold zero with the windchill! So I am making sure there is plenty of food for the birds! And it gives my inside kitties something to look at. Was so bitter going out to do the chores tonight, first time my feet actually were cold in the barn boots. Wind was howling and the branches of the trees sound frozen as they creaked in the wind. And winter has not even started yet. So far all the snow they had forcasted for us this go around hasn't happened. It is hitting Ashtabula and the up in Buffalo. We are just getting the wind and bitter temps with a few inches of snow.
So cold even the horses do not want to venture out, and barn kitties are staying in too. Yhe have a heated grain and tack room. Very spoiled! Plus a barn full of hay to hunt in.
Tomorrow I am going to make my famous fruitcake, which insn't like the ones you see given out. mine is a pound cake-like cake, with pecans, and dried apricots, orange and lemon peel and pinapple. Sending some to my Mom and Sister. They were jsut saying the other day they haven't had any in yrs. I told them I know because it is time consuming and very expensive! But I feel in the mood this yr. HOHOHO! Smile
Sorry it's cold for you. I don't like it when it gets like that. Glad the horses and barn cats are keeping sort of warm. That does sound good ... I never did like the fruitcake my Mom made ... she did put it in cheesecloth with a rum soak but I was too young to appreciate that flavor.