Monday, March 28, 2011

This is how I have been feeling!!!! Even though Phil said we would have an early spring here in the northeast, we haven't. We have been so cold and we get snow ever few days, atleast it melts. But the weather is too cold to even try and start garen clean-ups, or manure moving. The manure is still frozen. So I look at catalogs, wonder through the garden sections in the stores and plan. I did manage to for the first time start veggies from seeds. I have tiny chocolate and green peppers coming up, some orange cherry tomatoes too. I have so many things to start I need to buy more seed starter and potting soil. This week I hope to get the greenhouse I ordered, it will go in the front window. It is five feet tall and has five shelves so I will have plenty of room. It will get plenty of sun since the windows face south, plus I have a large grow light we will set-up for the evening hours. I lay in bad at night and plan out what will go into which pot outside on the deck and around the back porch. I bought more dahlia tubers to add to the ones I have from the last few years, just new colors. This year since we need to redo the siding in the front I will keep the main garden prety empty, Hubby is known to smash things when working. So most of the planting will be in the back. I wait anxiously for new flowers to start showing up in the stores but know we have atleast another month of waiting. So like I stated at the start I hate everything right now. Smile


  1. I'm right there with you. Opening Day is Thursday that puts a smile on my face. Baseball,summer is on its way YAY!!!

  2. It's cold here too. But then, it is the end of March and we still have all of April, unpredictable as it is, to get through. Hang tough!

  3. At least you at the planning stage, I haven't even done that.

  4. After this winter, we're all ready for some sunshine and warm temperatures. It won't be long and we'll all be out in the garden.

  5. To me, a city girl, you have a very interesting life. I enjoy reading your blog.
