Monday, February 28, 2011

That past weekend we had more snow, around 8 inches. To add insult to injury last night at 1am. we had a thunderstorm, and pouring rain. So this is what we woke up to thing morning. Even our dog "Java" was like where is my pen, oh under water! Atleast this time only half the pen had rushing water through it and by early this evening it was already going down drastically. People who see all this ask if we panic? After going through so many we just grin and say we don't worry it all will be gone with a few hours. You just have to wonder where it all goes. Atleast it doesn't stay here!! And I can SMILE


  1. Your yard reminds me of the horse pastures near my house. During the Winter months, it will be flooded, in Summer it has lovely pastures for them. And where does the water all go ...

  2. Wow, that is a lot of flooding! I admit, I would panic a bit at that but I guess you do have to keep the fact it will go down in mind too!

  3. we gauge our outbound travels by the look of your yard. That day headed south, the road was washed over by Mary and Joseph's newly built blue house there by Lockwood. I have never seen it washed over there before. The creek was always high in their backyard, but never over the road into warner's pasture area!

  4. We had a lot of rain last week, after several inches of snow. It was downright ugly! But, as you say, it goes away pretty quickly! Although all the rain have the back of the yard flooded, with spring run-off, and there is nowhere for that to go, not till the ground thaws...
